Rock - Ska - Punk Rock
Zack Genis: Lead Vocals/Guitar
Jonny Egolf: Guitar/Vocals
Dan Egolf: Bass
Brent Collins: Drums
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Crosstown Collision is a four piece ska/punk band from Northwest, Indiana. Friends since high school Zack Genis, Brent Collins, and brothers Jon and Dan Egolf have come a long way. With multiple roles in different bands, this group of friends united as Crosstown Collision in April 2008.
Sharing the stage with bands like Big D and The Kids Table, Green Room Rockers, The Pink Spiders, Something To Do, Owl, The Pinstripes, We Are The Union, Mixtapes, The Misfits, and Have Nots - Crosstown Collision began playing all over Indiana. The years of friendship and musical experience really shows when these guys are on stage. No matter the genre of music you are into, Crosstown Collision will have you tapping your toes and ready to skank!
Look for their first album: "From The Inside Out", and the realase of their second album, "To Us and To Those Like Us" this upcoming May of 2013!