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Marah in the Mainsail

Indie - Experimental - Alternative

Marah in the Mainsail

Band Members

Austin Durry: lead vocals, guitar, harmonica, mandolin
John Ochs: banjo
Callie griep: bass, vocals
Trent Heille: electric guitar, vocals
Aust!n Wilder: drums, screaming

Fans 4 Hits 1642


Burnsville, MN, U.S.

Marah in the Mainsail is an up and coming MN local band. best described as "Folkcore" MITM is a unique blend of folk, blues, bluegrass and hardcore. they hit the scene hard in 2010 and have been moving up the ranks fast ever since. they're currently working on their debut EP, and play shows all over MN. MITM is music for people who are tiered of overly distorted guitars and autuned voices. it's real, honest music, and real honest passion on stage.

come to a show and check us out! we'd love to see your faces.



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